We are proud to announce that our 2014-2020 HEALTH INFO project is competing for a #RegioStars Awards 2019 prize in the Category 5 – Modernising health services (Topic of the year).
The objective of the RegioStars Awards is to identify good practices in regional development and to highlight original and innovative projects which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions.
HEALTH INFO project will improve the health care system in the cross-border area. A unified informative system is developed that collects harmonized data and supports the strategic design of health care providers of the cross-border area. Among other activities, partners will provide specialized trainings to professionals and implement a common pilot preventive health care program for breast & other gynecological cancer for women living in remote areas of the cross-border area by a fully equipped mobile unit.
All you need to do to help our project claim the top spot is click https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/regio-stars-awards/2019/categ5?fbclid=IwAR0EUvxFOKmlMVgpaCPJQENRDzLJst8qpclD0LHkmr6hO67zaoJlpOkonQ8 and vote for HEALTH INFO by checking the icon next to the project acronym.