The project is co-funded by the European Union and the national resources of the participating countries.
The Opening Conference of the project with the acronym “Health-Info” entitled “Unified Information System for the Exchange of Information between Primary Health Care Units in the Cross- Border Emergency Area” with a budget of 1.301.151,67 € from the Interreg Program – IPA CBC Greece – Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020, has taken place on Wednesday, November 28, 2018, at the I. Vellidis Conference Center in Thessaloniki, with the organizer of the Alexandrio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki.
National Organization for Health Care Services Provision of Greece, is the main beneficiary of this project in collaboration with two more Greek partners, the Alexandrio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki and the General Hospital of Pella and three Partners from the North Macedonia, the Ministry of Health, the General Hospital of Gavel and the PHO Clinic of the Bitola Hospital.
The Health-Info Project, funded under the Priority Axis 1- 1st call – Improving preventive health care and social services for children and the elderly, plans to enhance access to health care and social services and to improve the system of preventive health care through an integrated set of activities.
The main objective is to achieve access to the inaccessible areas of the region and address the needs of vulnerable groups, ie children, women, the elderly. The HEALTH-INFO program will develop a unified information system to support the strategic planning of healthcare providers on both sides of the Cross-border Area to benefit health service providers, patients, and especially vulnerable groups.
Through a comprehensive set of educational preventative activities for the general population (Joint Emergency Medical Conditions) as well as for local health professionals, the quality of life and health of children and the elderly in the areas of application can be enhanced.
Finally, a Mobile Medical Unit is going to: Provide screening services (mammography, ultrasound and medical examination), inform the female population about the usefulness of screening services and regular medical check-ups, and achieve early detection of female cancer and therefore timely treatment and better prognosis.